I teach social science so that students develop a social vision that is both challenging and fulfilling in terms of the self, region, nation and the world. The History section develops historical sensibility is the student by giving them a perspective on India part in relation to the world. Geography lets the students know more about their motherearth its environment, resources and development. Civic Stimulates awareness of various aspect of political, Social and Economic life. The purpose of teaching social science is to enable student to understand, participate in, and make informed decisions about their world. The teaching and learning process within social studies are uniquely organized to develop these capacities, beginning with the youngest learner in our schools. Social Science connects student thinking with real world contexts from local to global scales. Social Studies education is essential in supporting students to interact with difference within communities.

Miss Rishika



It is important to teach science because science is a significant part of human culture and represents one of the pinnacles of human thinking capacity. It provides a laboratory of common experience for development of language, logic and problem-solving skills in the classroom . Science has a methodology to turn our native curiosity into knowledge gives us the power and possibility of invention of finding solutions to problems.



Chemistry begins with matter :- means things which occupy space and have mass. Importance :- Knowing chemistry in the study of we are the world around us. It play an important role in enhancing the students equipped with good and services to meet human needs for food. Health care products and other materials aimed at improving the quality of life. Of all the Science, Chemistry is general and organic chemistry, in particular has played a important role in improving the quality of human life. Many substances which we use in our daily life are chemical compounds – e.g. the materials use for cleanliness. Such as soaps, detergents, household bleach, tooth paste etc, all made up of chemical compounds. Similarly clothes (Cotton, wool, silk etc.)We wear and dyes we use to brighten and beauty them again made up of chemical compounds. Like wise the food. (Carbohydrates, Proteins, oils, fats, vitamins etc.)we eat, consist of organic compounds. Most of the medicines we use to protect us from diseases and elements are all chemical compounds. Similarly explosives, fuels etc are made up of chemicals. In nut shell, we can safely say that chemistry.Chemistry has influenced our life. So much that we do not realize that we come across chemicals at every moment. In fact, we ourselves are beautiful chemical creation and ou activities are controlled by chemicals



Study of chemistry has a wide field of opportunity and scopes in career building is all fields e.g, agriculture, ceramics, textiles etc.

The desk of HOD (Chemistry)

MR. Nageshwar Singh



Physics is a basic science. It is one of my favourite subjects. It enables us to understand various laws governing the universe and one can understand the complexity of the universe and can explain various phenomena and taking place around ourself by knowing the basic concepts in physics. Hence I prefer to teach physics to enhance the knowledge and skill for better future of the students Modern age is the age of technology which is associated with the career of the students. Physics plays vital role in development of technology. I teach science students must learn physics.




Mathematics has always seen an integral part of human lines. Everyone used mathematics in their daily lines in various way irrespective of their knowledge of mathematical concept . I teach maths to cultinate the thinking and reasoning skills and build up precise and analytical verbalisationn. It facilitates a systematic approach to real life situation infused with mental clarity. The aim is to allow the student to explore the multiple aspects of this subject through implementation of its principle in life and thereby develop a passion for it.




English language has the honour of being the international language. It improves the students vocabulary, accuracy and fluency in English. The simple comprehension exercises have been develop understanding and improving the reading skill of the student. Reading the text book with care to install the student a sense of confidence and improve his/her general awareness. Writing section will enable the student to explore his/ her creativity and write impressively. Each activity would engross him/her whole-heartedly and he/she will come out with best ideas. Writing poetry excite the imagination of the student. Grammar forms the basis in the learning of any language and without laying this foundation, any approach cannot be successful. English teaching encourage the students to go through the original text and enables them to recall what they have read. It leads to a natural integration of reading and writing skills. English has been encouraged and vocabulary enrichment has been emphasized. English grammar supports the student with quick revision and practice material. Literature enable the student to recapitulate the lesson. It helps the student to improve his/her also helps the student to sharpen his/her language as well as prepare for the next class.




The key reason for study of physics is that physics help us to:-

  • Control and exploit the forces of nature satisfy human curiosity.
  • Understand our world because science is a prerequisite for a through understanding distinguish between fact and fiction.
  • Lead healthier and safer lines.
  • Promote a scientific attitude.
  • Provide ourselves with a competent work force to maintain economic growth build problem-solving skills.
  • Understand the greatness of human accomplishment
  • Generate openness to new ideas.
  • Provide the simplest of system to study.
  • Understand the role that physics has had in shaping history with the development of a liberal education.
  • Provide a common basis for discussion and understanding understand our own limitation and capabilities.
  • Physics is a “central”subject essential to the understanding of such disciplines as biology and chemistry, checkout “Physics first website to see some of the argumentation in this area”

Physics is heavily used in the profession and trades such as doctor, nurse, plumber and electrician. It promotes careers in physical science and engineering.





English intend primarily in school for holistic development of learner. Being a teacher of English my aim is to develop four basic language skills as listening, speaking, reading and writing in a well grade manners and to ensure accuracy in language.

  • To develop, nurture and enrich the vocabulary of the learner.
  • To engage learners in activities that promote thinking and innovation.
  • To enable learner to use English in day to day communication is academic
  • To improve the habit of extensive reading.

The underlying idea is to expose students writing skills. Each of the four skills meant to ensure the learner to acquire these skills in an active manner and can apply them in their day to day life.





I Vinita Shankar (M.SC B.ED). Science teacher in gurukulam school saraidhela Dhanbad. I teach here science (Biology) become science is a vast and fascinating subject that integrates all spheres of life. Teaching and learning science can make a human educate, advance and update and also learn the depth of the life It also make the human beings to interact between the life and surroundings. Thank You.